Sonam Kapoor Ahuja has always been hailed as the most loved and celebrated fashion icon in Bollywood. She proved it by opting for a chic berry-hued maxi skirt with a matching loose-fitting long-sleeved blazer. We also loved her unique baby pink formal shirt. However, it was the loose long skirt that literally stole all our attention – it was a must-have choice. Frankly, no one can pull off a formal look as easily as she can.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s dive into the topic and take a closer look in more detail. By Sonam Kapoor Ahuja The ultimate formal look for a big dose of fashion inspiration.
The chic look included a baby pink button-down shirt, known as the “Uniform Shirt in Black Cotton.” This was hand-made by the fashion geniuses at Phoebe Philo’s brand, and that too from 100% soft cotton in Madagascar. This statement-making shirt has a roomy silhouette with oversized elbow-length sleeves. It also had a stylish and practical patch pocket on the chest and a high button-down collar, giving the softly finished cotton shirt a touch of pure, understated elegance. This classic piece also came at an unexpected price of approximately Rs. 1,00,728.
Additionally, an oversized berry-colored, long-sleeved jacket was added to the top. It was left open to show off the skirt and she looked amazing in it. The shirt was also tucked into a matching long skirt known as the “berry-colored fitted high-slit column skirt.” The stylish choice from the same brand is a high-waisted, well-tailored piece with a fitted design, which has belt loops and handy pockets on both sides. It also featured a horizontal pleat that rightfully ran down the diva’s well-toned body, just below the pockets.
The elegant skirt also had a slit at the back hem which gave quite a sensual touch to her super hot ensemble. This extremely sophisticated piece also had a hefty price tag of approximately Rs. 1,42,706. Don’t you think it’s extravagant? Also, The I Hate Luv Storys actress She opted to add a pair of formal black heels to complete her outfit. These perfectly matched her elegant aesthetic while also completing her ensemble. They also gave a thoughtful touch to her look.
Moreover, Sonam also opted for a minimalistic look to complement her sober and elegant ensemble, adding simple silver earrings and statement rings paired with dark sunglasses with a sleek silver frame to elevate her ensemble beyond compare. This wise decision ensured that the focus was on her well-deserved outfit. We love it!
The Zoya Factor actress also opted for a low, loose, sleek and minimalist ponytail with her dark hair pulled back beautifully. This allowed her dark hair to cascade down her back while framing her face perfectly. Actress Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga‘Radiant makeup look with a flawless base, well-defined eyebrows and very rosy and illuminated cheeks. But the nude gloss took the crown.
So, what did you think of Sonam Kapoor’s formal look? Would you like to wear something like this for an upcoming event or soiree? Leave a comment below to share your thoughts and opinions with us, right away.
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