Representative, Ramgarh
Ramgarh police sent three accused to jail on Wednesday for selling banned toxic injections. SP Ajay Kumar gave the above information to reporters from the Ramgarh Superintendent of Police Office. He said that the police had received secret information that Dayanand Bhagat alias Dukhu Sav was going from Ranchi Road towards Ramgarh on a blue coloured scooter (PB 32D-1566) to inject narcotics and sell them. The team was formed under the leadership of SDPO Parameshwar Prasad. The team caught the rider Dayanand Bhagat (father of late Durga Bhagat) during a raid near Ranchi Road Sriniketnam Marble Shop. He is a resident of Mile Bazar Chitrapur. Police recovered about 300 pieces of narcotic injections from the bag and boot of the scooter. During interrogation it was said that other accused had provided the said narcotic injection. He was going to sell it. The recovered narcotic injection was examined by the Drug Inspector, Ramgarh. The Drug Inspector stated that this drug belongs to Schedule H One category. Following the statement of Dayanand Bhagat, two other accused were also arrested.
Arrested accused: The arrested accused include Dayanand Bhagat alias Dukhu Sav alias Raja, resident of Kali Chowk, Mile Bazar Chitarpur, Rakesh Yadav (father deceased Mangal Yadav), resident of Purni Mandap Golpar Ramgarh and Sumit Aggarwal (father deceased), resident of Jhanda Chowk Vaishno Devi Mandir Gali Ramgarh) are included. Police recovered a scooter (PB 32D-1566), a mobile and narcotic injections from them kept in the scooter.
Police officers included in the assault team.
The team included SDPO Parmeshwar Prasad, Pt Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Pt Manjesh Kumar Singh, Pt Sujit Kumar Singh and Armed Forces personnel from Ramgarh. SP Ajay Kumar, Ashutosh Kumar Singh, PWD Manjesh Kumar Singh, PWD Sujit Kumar Singh were present at the press conference.
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