Creative ways to decorate your home with old glass jars

How to decorate your home with old glass jars (Image credit: Canva) Glass jars often sit unused and clutter up kitchen shelves. However, with a little creativity, they can be transformed into beautiful home décor items. Whether for the living room, kitchen, or even the garden, these versatile jars can be upcycled to create stunning … Read more

Are You and Your Teen Drifting Away? Nine Ways to Fix the Relationship

Teenagers drifting apart (Credit: Canva) As teens navigate the complexities of adolescence, it is not uncommon for relationships with parents to experience some strain. If you feel like your Bond with your teen If you’re growing apart, it’s important to take proactive steps to reconnect. By fostering open communication, spending time quality timeand by showing … Read more

Bell Hooks Books in Order: A Complete Guide

Bell Hooks books in order (Image credit: Instagram) bell hooks (real name Gloria Jean Watkins) was a renowned American author, cultural critic, feminist thinker, and educator. She became one of the most important voices in feminist and race-related debates. Through her writings, she explored themes such as love, race, gender, politics, and identity. Her work … Read more

Maya Angelou’s solitary writing habits: why she rented hotel rooms to focus on her craft

Maya Angelou’s solitary writing habits: why she rented hotel rooms to focus on her craft Maya AngelouAngelou, one of the most celebrated poets and authors of the 20th century, had a unique approach to her writing process. To maintain her focus and creativity, Angelou would rent hotel rooms to write in. This habit, while unconventional, … Read more

Five effective strategies to calm anxiety at home

Anxiety can be overwhelming, but there are effective techniques you can use in the comfort of your own home to find relief. Here are five practical strategies to help you manage anxiety and promote a sense of calm. Conscious breathing. Image credit: Unsplash Practice conscious breathing One of the simplest and most powerful ways to … Read more

Do your thinking habits increase stress and anxiety? Know how to stop

Stop overthinking: Have you ever found yourself lying awake in the wee hours of the night with one thought after another running wildly through your mind? Perhaps you keep thinking about the same old things over and over again, or you are lost in worries about the future. This tendency becomes so deep that you … Read more

Reasons why some teenagers stay in their room all day

There are many parents There are those out there who often wonder why their teenagers “I don’t leave their room to interact with them. What’s the point of staying locked in their room for so many hours?”, “What are they actually doing there alone?”, “It’s not good for their mental well-being if they choose to … Read more

Heart disease risk increases with these two food choices

Health experts have long warned about the dangers of sugary soft drinks and processed meats. Excess sugar is known to contribute to chronic inflammation of the heart and blood vessels, while processed meats (preserved by salting, curing or chemical additives) can raise blood pressure. Recent research from Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health reinforces … Read more

Bedtime habits to sleep better

Nighttime routine: Getting a good night’s sleep is vital to a successful day. However, getting a good night’s sleep can be a challenge in a life filled with hustle and bustle and stress during the day. But by adopting the right nighttime routine, you can improve your nighttime sleep and boost your health. Let’s learn … Read more

Do you have a bloated stomach due to gas? Include celery seeds in your diet to relieve bloating – India TV

Image source: ARCHIVE IMAGE Use celery seeds to relieve bloating. Many times, unhealthy food increases the problem of gas and acidity in the stomach. Due to gas, the stomach gets bloated and mild pain also starts. Sometimes, gas can cause pain in different parts of the stomach when you move. In such a situation, if … Read more