Visa delayed, not love: Businessman’s son marries Pakistani girl online

In a unique and heartfelt ceremony, Mohammed Abbas Haider, a resident of Jaunpur district in Uttar Pradesh and son of BJP Corporate Tehsin Shahid married Pakistani girl Andaleeb Zahara online on Friday. The couple’s marriage was initially arranged last year, but delays in visa processing prevented Andaleeb from attending in person.

Reports indicate that the groom’s family applied for visas a year ago, but approvals did not come. As the situation became more urgent, particularly due to the serious illness of the bride’s mother, Rana Yasmin Zaidi, the two families decided to hold the wedding online. Rana expressed his desire to see his daughter married before her health deteriorated further.

The ceremony took place at an ‘Imambara’, a shrine of the Shia community, where the groom, his family and guests gathered to witness the process on a television screen. After the wedding, a large community party was organized to celebrate.

Attendees included the senior district. BJP leaders, reflecting the importance of the event within the local community. Mohammed Abbas Haider appealed to the government, urging it to expedite the visa process for his girlfriend, highlighting the family’s hopes for a future together.

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